
heyo i'm box and i draw watch me do a backflip ay that was pretty cool right?

sick stats

  • draws pretty sick shit

  • can play bubblegum kk on otamatone

  • i like orange juice

  • watch me do a backflip again

cool things

  • orange juice

  • cats are cool too

  • maybe bees

  • pokemon but only gen 3

commission status

current status: closed



  1. no refunds; please be sure you want to commission me before you contact me

  2. do not rush me, do not email me to rush me, do not send me messages on social media to rush me

  3. please credit the commission piece if you share it on social media

  4. i can upload the commission piece on my social media, however both you and i cannot make profit off of it

  5. please do not remove my signature